We had much to celebrate recently here at the offices of OMR. Suddenly champagne corks were popping and a regular wing-ding ensued. It got a little wild and some of the employees were becoming randy. (--resulting in grounds for a sexual-harrassment suit, which could effectively bring down this house of cards.) Once the smoke cleared, the revellers began indulging themselves in revery. Tears flowed as sentiment bubbled over. We all began sifting through the OMR photo archives in a disgusting display of maudlin reminiscence. It was decided between swigs that we post some of our classic photographs from the bad old days. So sit back, fire up a Chesterfield and enjoy.
(The photos you have just enjoyed are the express property of OTTO MANNIX. Visitors to this site are encouraged to use them for recreational, educational or masturbational purposes. Any attempt to use them for capital gain will result in immediate service of subpoenae by our crack team of Harvard-educated attorneys-at-law. And be advised: our jews are better than your jews. --O.M.)