For your consideration: An all-but-forgotten 1981 movie masterpiece showcasing the intoxicating talents of Yvette Mimieux --> A virtually unavailable gem entitled:

The story opens at the executive offices of Mystique, Inc., where CEO Bianca Ray (Mimieux) rules with extreme prejudice. We don't exactly know what Mystique does, but it looks to be cosmetics, perfume, fashion-related. She immediately lays down the gauntlet, outlining the upcoming seminar, required of employees for advancement: EDT, Executive Development and Training. This mysterious ritual promises to weed out the losers and catapult the winners to the next level.
Immediately apparent is the cold, intimidating sexual power of the unapproachable Ms. Ray. So thoroughly squared-away and professional, she makes Margaret Thatcher seem like Mary-Ann from Gilligan's Island. The starched pleats on her executive ensemble could slit your throat and return to business before exsanguination begins! Forget the leather, whips and stilettos, you old perverts; one icy glance from Bianca Ray could reduce you to a simpering, submissive puppy-boy. (But we never get to see her so scantily clad as in the poster above, which makes her all the more bewitching.)
More about this odd film after a little digression regarding the career of the great Yvette!

Perhaps the groundwork for Yvette's ruthless Bianca was laid in JACKSON COUNTY JAIL, in which she is tossed in the clink and raped by a bad, bad man, but delivered from harm by the quiet, brooding Tommy Lee Jones. A 70s classic.

Finally, an OMR favorite: the unfathomable DEVIL DOG: THE HOUND OF HELL.

Returning to BRAINWASH, AKA Circle of Power, we at OMR are too stupid to summarize the movie. We leave that to the folks over at Stomp Tokyo. Here's what they write:
During the week of EDT, these men and their wives (there don't seem to be any female Mystique employees) check into a remote luxury hotel maintained by the company. Then Ms. Ray begins to torture them. That's right, torture.

Of course, not everyone is convinced. But by the time anyone works up the nerve to say anything, there are enough converts to the cause (not to mention the hired muscle) to keep the others "open-minded." The women, too, are subjected to the same sort of torture by Ray's male counterpart. To be honest, it's pretty gruesome throughout: the attendees are under-fed and over-exercised, marriages are tested, and worst of all, character actor Walter Olkewicz takes off his clothes.

The VHS tape in the OMR library has been run so many times, it eventually snapped. The tape spools had to be removed from the cartridge, the tape spliced and transplanted to another cartridge.