Tuesday, August 11, 2009


A two-week company field trip to the Des Moines branch, the original headquarters, for the purpose of destroying certain old files, and collecting the balance. The building has been purchased by a Japanese concern. On the return trip, we will be stopping by the Toledo branch to inspect the refacing of the old facade.

photo composite: © Rick Rodine, 1982


William Thirteen said...

ah yes Branch 12, hope you gave my regards to Gramps, the mailboy.

Ivan said...

Unfortunately, the Ivanlandia armada of armored hovercrafts will not be coordinating any napalm strikes in the region.
Feel free to picnic in peace.

Otto Mannix said...

Ivan - hmm, so then - uh, your intelligence hasn't been picking up any unusual doings in the Heartland? OK, then let's leave it for now. Everything is fine.

and W13, I will see Gramps, but i hear the Alzheimer's is really kickin' in.